Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tooth Issues

I love my teeth, and they love me, which means that Ive never had to so much as get a cavity filled. This also means that the only time that I have ever gotten shots to my gums is when Ive gotten my wisdom teeth pulled. Last time i did, I think they turned my gas up just a weeee bit to high, so I was completely out of it the entire time.

However, today I got my upper wisdom teeth pulled, and I think they got it just right, because I was still completely aware the entire time, and not from my lack of trying to go to sleep ether. They did numb me, but I don't like the shots! Its not that its particularly painful. Its just unbearably uncomfortable... And the dentist kept talking to me the whole time (thank goodness he didn't expect me to answer this time!), but that meant that I had no opportunity to fall asleep! Darn!

On the bright side though, the surgery only lasted, like, twenty minuets. And I feel great now! My jaw is sore though, as can obviously be expected, but its even better than I could have hoped for! =D It just feels like Ive been chewing on bubble gum all day. ( You all know how that feels, right?) I love being a quick healer!!!

I also went to the DMV in Barstow with my mom today... yeah, that was fun. We waited in the line for probably an hour before getting to the front desk. We filled out all the paper work, and were almost ready to get my ID card, when the girl at the desk said that I didn't have the correct social security number. Now, this is a major problem, cuz it wasn't just a matter of pulling out my social security card and checking it. Nope, that was another thing that was in our list of things to get before I left for college... great...

So we go to the Social Security office in Barstow. We got a number, sit down, and realize that there was no way we could stay with out me being late to get my teeth pulled! Long story short, after i get my teeth pulled and am in a grumpy mood, my mom decides that that is the best time to run to the office in Victorville and get the card. Needless to say I wasn't to happy.  *sigh* What ever. It turned out fine. We were only there for, like, five minuets, so yeah...

Well, I'm happy now and no worse for wear, except a sore jaw! Ive got to be the luckiest person, maybe not ever, but defiantly today, so I feel good! = D

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