Friday, October 14, 2011

Catching Up

So, this blog was meant to help who ever was bored enough to wonder about how my life at college was going. However, ironically, the last time I blogged, it was before I had even gotten to school. So this is going to be a quick catch up, and just stuff... Yeah...

So anyways, My final schedule looks like this (and yes, right now were halfway through the semester):
M,W,F: TMA 201- Theater History, American Heritage, and TMA 101- Intro to Theater, and Book of Mormon
T,Th- Beginning Jazz (Dance), Yoga and Alexander Technique, and TMA 123- Acting Fundamentals

So my favorite classes by far are Intro to theater, and acting fundamentals (I know, you all are positively shocked.) Ive been made the stage manager for a group project in 101. Its actually really fun, surprisingly. So, we all wrote a play, then we picked our favorite out of everyone. We ended up picking my friend Jenna's called "A Hairy Situation", which is actually really funny. I got picked for Stage Manager because I am the only one with remotely any experience with it, because we're pretty much a group of actors, so...
I'm actually really excited about it!

Then for Acting Fundamentals, we've been partnered for scenes, and you can tell our teacher is an improve teacher, because he loathes sticking to the script to tightly.His favorite thing to do is yell out random tactics that we have to figure out how to use at that moment, weather they make any sense at all. And they are so random! Hes yelled at me "to refrigerator!" And yes, I have to figure out how to "refrigerator" my partner in order to get what I want in the scene. Its unnerving, but a lot of fun!

I'm doing pretty well when it comes to friends, I like to think. I like every one in my FHE group. There all really fun, and interesting people. I get along with my room mates pretty well, and I have friends in most my classes. The people I haven't seen are actually my friends from home! Ive seen some of them once or twice, but that's it! It kinda makes me sad!

I'm not going to lie, I'm having a lot of trouble with being home sick; a lot more trouble than I thought I would. Everyone in Provo, specifically BYU, just has different senses of humer, different levels of acceptance of certain different ideas, and definitely different... kinds of minds... Everyone seems to wear a halo about everything! Its so different and I'm alot more comfortable around my more,,, interesting friends.

Well, I'm now bored, so I'm going to leave it at that and hopefully get better at this from now on. BYE!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Im Here!!!

So, the past weekish has been filled with lots of moving boxes, loosing things, and getting used to new surroundings. I'm currently sitting on the bed I will be sleeping in for the next three and a half months, in the dorm that I will be living in, aside from breaks, for the next year. Its a cool, yet scary experience that I think I'm ready for.

I'm really excited about being here! My room mates, Shayla Rushton and Ashley Nelson, are amazing! My dorm is really nice, and I'm so excited for classes to start on Monday! I'm hoping to get a job, and I have a thing today to see of I can make that happen! So all in all, things are looking awesome!

So yesterday I learned a few things about the BYU campus. The most prominent one is that there are many ways to get around campus, and alot of those options become a pain in the bum when your riding a bike. Now don't get me wrong. I love my bike. But when you have to carry it up four flights of stairs, I kind of begin to resent it a little bit... But the campus is lovely and I hope that I will figure out the bike rout thing soon.

Shayla and I walked around campus yesterday and found all of our classes, and I realized that mine are pretty strategically placed for being grabbed at the last second! They're all pretty close together and I don't have to do to much walking! YES!!! And I thought it was weird, but three of my classes are in a room called nelke. And that's actually the name of the room and what was written on my schedule... Yeah, we had alot of fun trying to find that... And it has a room number... That was fun.

Tomorrow is new student orientation, and I'm excited! Bye!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Last Day...

Well... Today was my last full day in the high desert till winter break. Its definitely a bitter sweet feeling. On the one hand, I'm really excited to go to school, make new friends and all that. On the other hand, I'm going to miss it here in Apple Valley. I'm going to miss my family, and friends so much, and I know that's going to be hard for me! Even as I sit here in my room on my sheet less bed with bare walls and empty shelves around me, its still hard to believe that in a few hours I'm going to be getting in a car and I wont comeback for about three months. Its just a scary thought.

So, to help me be a bit more confident, Ive decided to make a list of all the pros of leaving:
1. The most obvious one. I get to get an edumication and be learned. =)
2. Ill (hopefully) develop the skills necessary to live on my own... at least some of them...
3. Ill get to meet new people and make lifelong friends!
4. ... Ill get to... ummmmm... not... hmmmmm... K. I'm done.

Hmmm... kinda a short list... I'm just gonna have trust everyone who says that Ill love it and hope their right. (Please, please please!!!)

Packing is a pain in the butt let me tell you! I though Id get it done in a day, two at the most... Silly Kendahl. Me being me, getting distracted by pretty much everything that a girl can get distracted by, it took me forever to finish! Not to mention I had to decide what I was going to get rid of/take/put in storage. Yeah... It took pretty much forever...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ups And Downs... Mostly Ups

Today was a day of ups and downs. First thing in the morning, my mom and I head down to Barstow to go to the DMV to hopefully get me an ID card and a permit. Up #1: The line was super short! We were standing in it far probably about 15 minuets! Up #2: I passed my permit test!!! I can now legally drive so long as my parent is in the car! Down side to that up: I can use it for a week then I'm leaving and cant use it anymore...

So after that we went to US Bank to open up a bank account so that I can actually have money while I'm in college. Kind of an important thing... That's when down #1 reared its ugly head: my permit doesn't count as a legal ID, which I need to open an account... So no bank account until after the DMV mails me my ID, which isn't likely to be till after I'm in Utah... Great.

Then it was off to the dentists office because my mom and I both had appointments. Up #3: The holes in my jaw that my wisdom teeth left are healing up terrifically! Down #2: I had to sit in the waiting room for an hour and a half before my moms appointment was finally over!

And that leads me straight into down #3: I was an hour late for the screening of the Drum Corps International Preliminary Championships! Though I guess that makes up #4 the fact that I got to see the last three hours of said DCI competition... Which was amazing! I really don't know why more people don't watch these things, because there intense, entertaining, and just plain incredible! They do some of the coolest things! And it makes me upset when people say that marching band isn't a sport. Id like to see you try it!

Any who, the last and most trivial down of the day was that one of my favorite reality TV shows took a turn for the wort tonight and now promises to be highly annoying. So I guess that over all, today was a pretty awesome day, despite all the little bumps. The scariest part though, is that I only have ONE WEEK before I'm off to BYU!!! =O

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paint Fight!!!

So, two of my best friends, Jennifer Williams and Heidi Rammel, and I decided that we were going to have a paint fight with some of the left over paint from Jenny's house. We all got white shirts, and jeans. I had fun brought white shoes and a white bandanna. This is what ensued:

Needless to say, we had waaaaaayyyyyy to much fun and made a complete mess. Don't worry Mom, we cleaned it up. But I had a blast hanging out with two of my best friends, and I got some fun clothes out of it. =D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tooth Issues

I love my teeth, and they love me, which means that Ive never had to so much as get a cavity filled. This also means that the only time that I have ever gotten shots to my gums is when Ive gotten my wisdom teeth pulled. Last time i did, I think they turned my gas up just a weeee bit to high, so I was completely out of it the entire time.

However, today I got my upper wisdom teeth pulled, and I think they got it just right, because I was still completely aware the entire time, and not from my lack of trying to go to sleep ether. They did numb me, but I don't like the shots! Its not that its particularly painful. Its just unbearably uncomfortable... And the dentist kept talking to me the whole time (thank goodness he didn't expect me to answer this time!), but that meant that I had no opportunity to fall asleep! Darn!

On the bright side though, the surgery only lasted, like, twenty minuets. And I feel great now! My jaw is sore though, as can obviously be expected, but its even better than I could have hoped for! =D It just feels like Ive been chewing on bubble gum all day. ( You all know how that feels, right?) I love being a quick healer!!!

I also went to the DMV in Barstow with my mom today... yeah, that was fun. We waited in the line for probably an hour before getting to the front desk. We filled out all the paper work, and were almost ready to get my ID card, when the girl at the desk said that I didn't have the correct social security number. Now, this is a major problem, cuz it wasn't just a matter of pulling out my social security card and checking it. Nope, that was another thing that was in our list of things to get before I left for college... great...

So we go to the Social Security office in Barstow. We got a number, sit down, and realize that there was no way we could stay with out me being late to get my teeth pulled! Long story short, after i get my teeth pulled and am in a grumpy mood, my mom decides that that is the best time to run to the office in Victorville and get the card. Needless to say I wasn't to happy.  *sigh* What ever. It turned out fine. We were only there for, like, five minuets, so yeah...

Well, I'm happy now and no worse for wear, except a sore jaw! Ive got to be the luckiest person, maybe not ever, but defiantly today, so I feel good! = D

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Facing The Fact

Well, I may as well get out of denial and face the music. The date is set. Three weeks from yesterday, Friday the 14th I'm leaving for BYU. Yeah know, a few days ago I actually considered that maybe I wasn't ready to leave and that maybe I needed to wait one more semester be for I leave. That, of course, was crazy and further evidence that I was in denial about leaving. But hey, I have to leave at some point, don't I?

I'm super excited, but scared out of my mind at the same time. Its weird to think that three weeks from now, Ill no longer be coming to Hudson Ct. when I say I'm going home. There's still a ton of stuff I need to finish and work on and finish, but I don't really want to do them, cuz that is just further proof to myself that I'm leaving!!! I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss everyone, and how I may never see some of these people ever again, and that scares me to death! I'm never going to find anyone anything like most of my awesome friends, and I'm not sure how I'm going to live with out some of them! Scary!

Don't get me wrong! I'm really excited to leave, and try living on my own. I'm excited to meet new people, and learn new things, but I'm still just as scared of those things as I am excited. And now that Ive rambled about being a kid long enough for you to get bored, and maybe even stop reading, Ill say goodbye!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So Lets Try This

Well, My name is Kendahl, I'm currently 17 years old, and I am really bad at things like this. But my mom has a blog, and really seems to enjoy it, so I thought Id give it a shot. I'm hoping that it will help me do a bit more journal type things and give me a legitimate excuse to be on the computer that my grandparents got me (=D WOOHOO!!!).

 I actually created two blogs on this site. This particular blog is going to be my public blog that others ( probably mostly my mom) can look at and see what exactly is going on in the life of Kendahl. The other one will be my personal one that Ill wright in things that I don't particularly want over people to have complete access to.   So I guess we'll see just how long I can make this last before I get bored. Yay!