Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chronicles of Syntax

So, I recently came across a web series called Chronicles of Syntax that looks promising to me! Based on the trailer, and a few of the cast members telling I think this could be really good, and I'm hopping that you all will agree!

 Here is the link to there starter page:


<iframe src="http://www.indiegogo.com/project/106016/widget?escape=false" width="224px" height="429px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Enjoy! And I hope that you get as enthusiastic as I did when I saw it!

Here is the youtuber that I love who is in it talking about the project!

And here is the writer!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mixed Feelings

So, last week I auditioned for a local production of Into The Woods, a musical, here in California. I watched the musical on Netflix before callbacks, and there was a couple of people that I told my mom I would rather enjoy playing. But, there was one person that I mentioned I wasn't sure I'd like to play. Guess who I got cast as. If you guessed the one person who I wasn't to ecstatic about then Ding Ding Ding! you got it right! Now I am really happy to be cast at all, and amazingly there are smaller parts than mine that some very talented people got cast into, but still. I really wanted one of those other parts in-particular.

So I got cast as Granny, who sings in every group song, and has a few lines. But I really had my hope set on the witch, who I thought was just amazing. And to be honest, and this very well be my ego talking here, but I thought that the woman who got cast as the witch sounded like she was simply regurgitating each line exactly how it was said in the film version. At least when I read the lines I tried something different! The other problem with the cast list is that it was posted at like midnight, and I was woken up by my phone informing me of it and now I can't get back to sleep!

So yah, happy to be in the play, but pretty bummed about the part I did get.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


So, in the next week and a half, I'm going to be stressed out of my mind. Why? A few reasons. One, it's finals week, and I kinda need to pass all of my finals in order to pass my classes. STRESS!!!

Two, I just finished my auditions for the acting major here at BYU!!! My initial thoughts after I finished were that I think I rushed the monologues a little because I was nervous as crap! And this audition very directly affects my future in acting, so there's a little bit of pressure. And I hate waiting for results!

Third, I'm tired. really freaking tired. That is all.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So for anyone who cares, I have set up a video blog on YouTube that I hope to update every week! Here's the like to my channel:


And here's my first video! Yay!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Made me laugh!

So, I watch a lot of YouTube, and there are several channels that I follow regularly and watch all the time. Well today I came across an older video from one of the YouTubers from before I started watching his videos. A while ago, he and a few other YouTubers got together and, with the help of their subscribers, made a song for charity, and the idea was to get it into the top charts in the UK. This video that I found was after the song came out, while they were still trying to promote it, and it made me laugh, so I thought I'd share it with you. They've got to be the most polite protesters I've ever heard in my life!

And here's the song that they made, which I actually like a lot to be honest!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Wow I need help. I really get to attached to guys and get a little over protective of something that was never even mine and therefore I have absolutely no right getting protective of. I keep pulling up his facebook page and looking at that picture! And no I'm not going to say who because I know your reading this Mom. I really just needed to say that to someone and this was the most passive aggressive way I could think of to do it. Now, I know the name of the blog is Probably Should Be Doing Homework, but right now I should Probably Be In Bed, so goodnight!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


So, I realize that I haven't been keeping up with this like I should. So this semester, I'm going to be better, I promise! Right now, I want to announce that I have a new blog, called Blog of Mormon (http://kendahl-blogofmormon.blogspot.com/)! Its for a project for my Book of Mormon class. As I read, Ill be blogging my thoughts, feelings, favorite quotes, really anything that I feel should be written that concerns my experiences with the Book of Mormon! I'm excited about it, and if you want to read it I hope that you all enjoy it!